How I Started
I started my coaching method with one goal in mind: to help people find peace and balance in their bodies, relationship with themselves, and life. My background is in healing and wellness care. After 20 years of working in that field, I realized many people were storing their repeated emotional patterns in their bodies.

And My Journey Started
This led me to look for solutions to help them
With their breath work and eventually creating customized methods with meditations and energy block removal from their bodies and life. I have combined this with my personal interest in spirituality and positive approaches to help others focus, reflect, and refine their lives.
My Coaching Method
Listening is the foundation of my coaching approach. Let me help you discover how to overcome your fears and live the life you deserve.

It all starts by learning how to focus on what you want.

Next, you’ll reflect on what may be blocking you, and learn how to overcome these obstacles.

The last step? We learn how to continually refine what we’ve learned. Think of this as your new beginning.